Vrijdag 4 oktober verdedigt Charlotte Vanhoubroeck haar doctoraatsonderzoek. Wil je de verdediging of de solotentoonstelliing bijwonen?  Kijk hier voor meer info



Welcome at PXL-MAD School of Arts

PXL-MAD (Media, Arts and Design) School of Arts is a department of the University College PXL that offers study programs in the field of ‘Visual Arts’ on academic bachelor and master degree level.

You can choose between:
- Graphic Design
- Fine Arts
- Jewellery Design, Silver- & Goldsmithing
- MASieraad

You can join us as:
- an international Pre-Master student
- an international Master student
- an Exchange student (only for students from our partner schools)
- a Regular student 

For more information, click here for the english website.