Vrijdag 4 oktober verdedigt Charlotte Vanhoubroeck haar doctoraatsonderzoek. Wil je de verdediging of de solotentoonstelliing bijwonen?  Kijk hier voor meer info

Swillen Anneleen

Anneleen Swillen is a researcher and tutor at PXL-MAD School of Arts and Hasselt University (BE). Her work revolves around investigating jewellery in a phygital culture through research in the arts, education, curation, and writing.

With a background in Object & Jewellery design and Curatorial Studies, she laid the groundwork for her PhD in arts. Her doctoral research experimented with interactions between jewellery and presenting through performative installations, active archives and interdisciplinary publications. 
As a postdoctoral researcher, she co-founded Artificial Intelligems with composer and data scientist Greg Scheirlinckx. Working at the intersection of jewellery, graphic design, sound, XR-performance, dance, and machine learning, they aim to explore more-than-human co-creation.
