Vrijdag 4 oktober verdedigt Charlotte Vanhoubroeck haar doctoraatsonderzoek. Wil je de verdediging of de solotentoonstelliing bijwonen?  Kijk hier voor meer info


Audi Pauwels designs and manufactures jewelry in collaboration with Kitty Spaenjers. The superficial, fast viewer sees merely a classic ornament. Their work generally possesses all the ingredients of a classic jewel: almost exclusively made in white or yellow gold, nearly always combined with a gemstone and usually limited to the classic trinity of wearable jewelry — the ring, the necklace and the earring.

But the careful observer sees more, so much more. Simple pieces at first sight, but they tell a poetic story of beauty and timeless class. Made with skill and love for the profession, Kitty and Audi’s work finds its finesse and strength precisely in an elegant balance between innovation and tradition.