Art Sense(s) Lab


This English master will not be organised in 2018-2019.

The increase of interest in the use of the senses smell, taste and touch within the world of fine arts offers an inspiring starting point which is constantly questioned in order to develop a critical attitude towards how senses may add context to artistic work or be the context of the artwork.

In the English Master Art Sense(s) Lab we focus on the use of the approximative senses, Smell, Taste and Touch to add context to the work of art. The Master Art Sense(s) Lab aims to integrate contextual insights and knowledge, and also the reflection on it in their own artistic practice.

We want our students to acquire insights in the problems of their own medium and artistic process, to offer them a conceptual framework to discuss these problems and we want to stimulate them to take a well-reasoned position in this discourse. We focus on individual research based on the use of one or more of the lower senses, smell, taste and touch to give context and/or be the concept of the artistic practice.
There are several lectures by guest tutors, preceded by individual and/or group studio visits.
Students work individually and approach the problem and creation from their own background and field of expertise. The master starts off with three intensive theoretical and practical weeks.

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More information about Peter de Cupere

Contact: Peter de Cupere, Peter.DeCupere@PXL.BE